Prayer for Ancestral African Witchcraft
Pray out loud, and with as much sincerity as you can muster.
Please help me.
I thank Your Son Jesus Christ for making Your help available to me through His glorious sacrifice. I thank you for sending us the Holy Spirit in the Holy name of your Son Jesus Christ. I thank you, Holy Spirit, for the work you are doing in this world and in my life. Thank you God, thank you Father, thank you Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit.
Please lead me into the freedom of Your Righteousness and help me to serve you with all my heart, mind, and strength.
If you can think of any specific things you have done that may have allowed demons to enter your life, say the following:
Lord, I repent of ____
Lord, please forgive me.
Lord, please wash me clean of these things in the Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ.
Thank You, Father. Thank You, God. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Holy Spirit. Thank You.
If there is anything else that comes to mind now that you feel a need to repent of, repent of it now using the above words.
Lord, if there are any sins in my life that I have not yet repented of, I pray that you would reveal these things to me in Your time, that I may repent of them as well. Thank you Lord.
I divorce and renounce all demons that I may have ever allowed to enter my life through my actions. I renounce the spirits of Lucumi, Santeria, African gods, and any familiar spirits that came in through traditions and rituals associated with these things.
I divorce and renounce spirits of Oya, Papa Legba, Yemmaya, Chango, Ogun, Obtala, and Oshun.
I renounce the sins of my parents and all of my forefathers. I divorce myself from the devil, false religions, and false gods.
I renounce all witches, sorcerers, wizards, ungodly priests and priestesses, familiar spirits, Loas, and mediums.
I renounce the seven African spirits known as Papa Legba, Obtala, Oya, Oshun, Chango, Ogun and Yemmaya, in the name of Jesus Christ.
I renounce and come out of agreement with lust, confusion, fear, control, and self-will.
In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, I break all ungodly covenants, oaths and vows that have been spoken by me, my parents, or any of my forefathers.
I break and come out of agreement with any covenants, ungodly alliances, or legally binding treaties that have been enacted between me, my family, and any evil spirits, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.
I renounce all inanimate objects used for divination, including the casting of chains. I break every ungodly chain that has tied me to these things in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.
I renounce the spirit of suspicion, fear, loneliness, inferiority, rejection, insecurity, death, poverty, and hell that have come into my life.
I renounce the spirit of abandonment, guilt, unloving spirits, and condemnation.
I renounce all spirits of infirmity and sickness.
I renounce all blood that was shed from all humans or animals that was tied to my life via the performance of occult practices.
I renounce potions, magic, herbalists, root workers, concocted medicines, and incantations used in ayajo.
I renounce any participation of myself or those in my family line in the apprenticeship, indoctrination, spiritual journey, rituals or rites of passage of others or myself in occult practices.
I renounce all Loas, mediums and familiar spirits, ungodly priests, priestesses, sorcerers and wizards.
I renounce shamans, African and cultural witchcraft, Yoruba traditions, witch doctors and their rituals, any voodoo practiced by my parents and forefathers,
and divination and conjuring of all familiar spirits of the dead and those that my ancestors and family members have participated in.
I renounce all soul ties to scribes, spirit guides, familiar and familial protectors, scribes and messengers, false fathers and mothers, ungodly priests, diviners, and those known as babalawo, and ALL unGodly soul ties in Jesus name.
I renounce all animal and material sacrifices made on my behalf or on behalf of others in my family line.
I renounce the use of familiar spirits, human involvement for the sake of divining information, false gods, and spirit guides.
I renounce all devious, lying, manipulative, and deceptive spirits that were inherited as a curse.
I renounce and come out of agreement with lust, confusion, fear, control, and self-will.
In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, I break all ungodly covenants, oaths and vows that have been spoken by me, my parents, or any of my forefathers.
I break and come out of agreement with any covenants, ungodly alliances, or legally binding treaties that have been enacted between me, my family, and any evil spirits, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.
I renounce all inanimate objects used for divination, including the casting of chains. I break every ungodly chain that has tied me to these things in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.
I renounce the spirit of suspicion, fear, loneliness, inferiority, rejection, insecurity, death, poverty, and hell that have come into my life.
I renounce the spirit of abandonment, guilt, unloving spirits, and condemnation.
I renounce all spirits of infirmity.
Lord God,
I don’t want anything to do with these spirits or practices. I divorce the enemy and all false gods. Lord please forgive me and all of my ancestors.
Please wash us clean in the Blood of Jesus and close the doors to the enemy.
Please cleanse me from all unrighteousness according to Your word in 1 John 1:9.
You said that if I confessed my sins, You were able and it was just to forgive them and to cleanse me.
I submit to You, Lord Jesus, to You, Holy Spirit, and to You, Father God. I submit to You, God, and to no other god. I pray that I would always serve You and only You.
I ask for your perfect will to be done in my life. I pray to be transformed in accordance with your perfect will.
I pray that I would be able to release any unforgiveness towards anyone in my family bloodline that brought harm on me through their actions, and towards anyone in my family for any reason, and towards anyone at all I may have unforgiveness towards. I ask that you would bless my family with recognition of their sinfulness and that they would be drawn to You, Lord, that they would find freedom and salvation in You.
Please bless their minds.
Now I am talking to any tormenting, punishing, and vengeful spirits assigned to me that would perpetuate a curse.
I bind, rebuke, and cast out any evil sprits perpetuating curses in my life, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.
I declare Jesus only to be my shield, guardian, refuge, and protector.
I command all demonic chains to be severed from me and my life in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.
I declare that hell and death no longer have any right to advance against me and my life and any future family members I may have.
Father, I pray that you prepare the heart of any future spouse I may have in accordance with your perfect will. If it be your will, I pray any future spouse I may have would come to be delivered of anything passed down through their family bloodline that is not from You.
I command every demon within or around me to go to where the Lord Jesus tells you to go. I bind any retaliation from any demon that just left.
According to James 4:7 you must now flee from me, from my home and from everything that pertains to me. Out, demons, in Jesus name!
I break all curses over my home, and myself, and any family I may have right now, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ
I thank You and praise You, Lord God, for the restoration and blessings I have just received.
In Jesus name, because we have such a better Covenant now built upon such better promises we command all curses to be turned into awesome Blessings because you Love us, according to Deu 23:4, in Jesus name. I also declare the more they try to curse me the more I will be blessed to the point of overflowing; I will be blessed coming in and blessed going out!!! I pray your Love Lord will overtake me in every area of my Life.
I also bless the sender and loose ministering Angels to bring them to salvation that you Lord, may save their soul. Thank you Lord that these Blessings will also bring Glory to your Name. Amen.
I pray that I would be filled and ever refilled with the Holy Spirit, and with all of His wonderful fruits. Holy Spirit, I pray that you would lead me to live according to God’s commands.
In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.