Demon Opressed?
Demon Possessed?
SYMPTOMS OF Demonic Oppresssion Include....
Hopelessness, despair, loss of confidence, spiritual anguish and struggle, the constant feeling of accusation or of being ‘unclean’ in some way……The sense of being cursed or of being the victim of some malicious spiritual force..A feeling that hatred, malice, or envy is being directed at you in order to destroy you….An out-of-control thought life, very vivid fantasies and daydreams, being unable to think straight. Numerous fears……A sense of being ‘blocked’ or stifled in one’s life. A pronounced loss of enthusiasm for spiritual things…….Addictions, compulsions, lying, impulsiveness, habitual folly, excessive materialism, being hyper-critical, outbursts of anger, a long line of broken relationships….The feeling of being attacked, strangled or seduced by spirits during one’s sleep. Seeing dark shapes. Hearing seducing, accusing or very demanding voices.Unusual , even bizarre accidents and illnesses, constant financial problems, a continual lack of success in life despite one’s best efforts.
If you have any of these symptoms pray to GOD and repent for any area the Holy Spirit leads you to repent in, anoint yourself with oil and cast the spirits out in the name of Jesus! If you need help, send us an email in the contact section of this website. God bless you! <3