Heavenly Father, I repent and renounce the vow and promise I made to ____________ (name the demon or person, or even God, that you made the vow to) to preform ______________ (describe what the vow entailed). I realize this was foolish and rash on my behalf, and I ask that you will forgive me and release me from the bondage that this vow has brought me under also including any unknown vows and vows from others in authority spoken or written over me, and all my ancestors on my mothers and fathers side right back to Adam and Eve. They are all rendered Null and Void!
In the name of Jesus, and by the power of His blood, i give thanks and trust you Father that all my vows are forgiven that hurt me and I confess that I am released from this vow and it’s bondage in Jesus’ name.
I now command any unclean spirits which have taken advantage of this ungodly vow to leave me now in the name of Jesus! We loose angels to take them to the pit, never to return!
(Repeat this prayer if you have more then one unholy vow to break)