Hello Saints,
We are excited to be blessed once again welcome sister Carla Butaud as our guest this Saturday evening. Sister Carla will bring another Word and be taking any questions you may have.
She will be joining us on Zoom at 7:00 pm Central Standard Time. The fellowship starts at 4:30 pm with service starting at 5:30 pm. We look forward to meeting everyone, welcoming back familiar faces for communion, and will be taking prayer request later in the evening.
For more information about sister Carla Butuad please visit
And don’t forget to check out her book Fight For Your Life @
In order to gain the Victory that Christ won for us we must put off the old man (Adams sin nature) and walk in our new Nature that is in Jesus which is His Righteousness. So we need to ask ourselves are we Self focused or Christ focused, this why fellowship is also so important as we are complete in his Body which is the true church, not a building made with hands, and what better place than at the Lord’s table. The Church is the Body lead by the Holy Spirit with Jesus Christ as the head functions perfectly as the Lord created it to, Amen!!
The weekly teachings are updated @ http://deliveranceministry.com.au/links/ in PD F format for review and further study and the live stream will be archived as well @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmuRQ2i2SN4
We encourage you to bring whatever’s on your heart to share with us this Saturday or Sunday (check your local time zone) http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html This service and fellowship runs for 10-12 hours and you welcome to leave and join us at any time.
Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/392740301
Join by phone in the US: +1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 then enter the meting ID number. To download the Zoom application please https://zoom.us/support/download
Meeting ID No: 392740301
Glory be to God and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all,
Jeremy P Jackson
I want as much information about your teaching that I can get my hands on. Please keep me informed.
Kindest regards
Hey sister, God bless u. The YouTube channel is here with lots of very good teachings…we are adding you also for the weekly invite for zoom room. Love you in the Lord! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjyM_LuSGJKRKbiAajhjcSw
Hello, I was listening to Carla Butaud on a youtube recording and found your website as well.
I just wanted to ask about something that I noticed on your website — you have things about keys “to the kingdom”, however, The Word [KJV] is “keys of the kingdom”. Perhaps this is a typographical error?
Thank you for sharing the information on your site. Blessings in all that you do for God’s Kingdom!
hello Rebecca, God bless you. It was not a typo…thats the name the Lord gave for the ministry. Plus, I’m sure the other was already taken for a ministry name. Thank you for your kind words, we receive those blessings. 🙂