Declaration Prayer
I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, Blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. I’m born again, kept by the power of God. I’m redeemed by the blood. I’m born again by the word of God.
I’m complete in Jesus, my sins are nailed to the cross. I’m sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, seated in the heavenly places, right now at the right hand of the throne of God.
I’m more than a conqueror. I take dominion, I rule and reign in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. God is my heavenly Father and Jesus is my Lord. I’m a product of His love, I have love, I have Joy, I have Peace, I have Long Suffering, I have Goodness, I have Gentleness, I have Meekness, I have Temperance, I have Faith! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Right now, I’m strengthened in all the power and might of the Lord.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I’m given authority over all the works of darkness with the Word and the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
I now receive the Word and the Blood.
I remove in Jesus name, all the works of heaviness and oppression from me and this fellowship! I remove every work of doubt and unbelief, in Jesus name! I remove all works of traditions, legalism and every work of oppression against my(this) body, in Jesus name.
I rule and reign in the name of Jesus!
I remove all word curses, all works of darkness, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
My weapons are mighty in God to the tearing down of strongholds, casting down all imaginations and every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. I now bring every thought captive to the obedience of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I’m a new creation. As Jesus Christ is in the world, so am I.
Now from the throne of grace, I receive Grace, Love, Joy, Blessings, Healings, Deliverance.
In the name of the Lord Jesus, I now speak peace.
Thank you Jesus!