Lord Jesus, I come out of agreement with fear. you have not giving me a spirit of fear…
2 Timothy 1:7 King James Version (KJV)
7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Perfect love cast out all fear…..Thank you for faith and your perfect, unstoppable love for me.
I come against fear right now…command it to come up and out in Jesus name
Father we ask for the anointing to kick this spirit out in Jesus name…loose and go in Jesus name
All intimidation go…and fear of man…and all Independence… I come out of agreement with self and depend on you, Lord….. Go in Jesus name
Strongman of fear go in Jesus name….. we loose boldness into us in Jesus name
Sprint of bondage come out now in Jesus name!
Cloth us with your armor, light, and your glory…all nakedness be covered in Jesus name. Father, we ask to be equipped with all the gifts you want to give us….in Jesus name…
Lord I ask you to anoint and appoint us with your proper calling and mantle….not mans equipping, but yours! Out of my belly shall flow rivers of living water… Father we ask you to loose all scales and bands from my eyes and ears so I can hear and receive you correctly, with a pure heart.
I repent for wearing Saul’s armor and trying to do things by myself in my own strength …Lord, I am now relying on you and your strength. We seal this deliverance with the blood of Jesus and Holy Spirit we ask you to fill the voids in me and continue to push out everything that King Jesus wants out. Thank you Jesus for making me whole! All glory to you God!