In the name of Jesus I command all astral projection, ungodly silver cords, implants, Lay lines, and spirit triggers to be removed In the name of Jesus.
I cancel all satans assignments against my family both human and spiritual in Jesus Name.
I close all gateways and portals (including the third eye) the enemy may use in Jesus Name.
I seal and cover myself and whole family with the precious Blood of Jesus now.
I declare we are now hidden in the secret place of the Most High in Jesus Name and declare we are invisible to the enemy and Hidden In Christ, Amen.
I thank you Lord all my enemies are now removed from my presence in Jesus Name.
I release the Blinding Light of God on all evil spiritual hosts that even try to come near me and my Family in Jesus name.
We declare we are clothed in his Glorious Armour of light right now Amen!!!!
Sickness, depression, distraction, discouragement, Oppression Go ….Now in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!!!
I bind the prince of the power of the air and all his networks, and destroy all their strategies and assignments against myself and family.
I release the anointing of God over myself, my family, and all my circumstances.
Angels of God…attack now!!! All demons go to the pit never to return, in Jesus name!
I release the fruit of the Holy Spirit over all of us now, in Jesus name!