Father, I pray that you would increase the anointing in me that breaks the yoke. You are my deliverer and I praise you! I renounce all mind control and triggers, End time mind control, witchcraft mind control, hypnosis, meditation, ESP, stoicism, asceticism, traumatic shocks, drugs, martial arts, schizophrenia, and yoga. Father, forgive me for agreeing with these in the past. I renounce and repent of all word curses or medical diagnosis that I, or anyone spoke over me, in Jesus name. I renounce all fault finding and pointing the finger.
Father, please send angels to seal off every door through which Mind Control is receiving reinforcement and aid. Block every access with the blood of Jesus. In Jesus’ Name, Father, I ask that You seal off all spirits in this place from which Mind Control and his troops can draw strength. We cut off and forbid all reinforcements assigned from satan. We loose angels to break and prevent all communication of such spirits with their ruler princes and with satan himself. We break the middle wall of separation of all false religion, Thank you Lord!
Mind control, we cut the assignment of anger, legalism…and all religious legalism mindset…we bind you. We break the curse of Evil Memory Recall and cancel its assignment. Father, we ask you to bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, and break Orion’s bands, blackwell, of control off of my mind, in Jesus name! Squid and Octopus spirits… we bind you and command you to go, in Jesus name! schizophrenia, double-mindedness, we break your power and command you to go in the mighty name of Jesus also!
All doubt and unbelief go right now in Jesus name! Thank you for this deliverance Father God! Help me to hold the ground and be rooted and grounded in YOU! I speak life over myself. I also proclaim that I have the mind of Christ! Amen