I (Peter Johnson) have had over 35 years experience in deliverance and give Jesus Christ all the Praise & Glory for what he has done in my life and how he has used me to set many people free from the Enemy time and time again. Assuredly as Jesus Christ is Lord, we have an adversity whose name is Satan. His only objective is to Kill, Steal and Destroy. Most people including most Christians have completely underestimated his level of Control which he has over Humanity, including most Christians and the whole World.
Ironically, Satan has even deceived most Christians into believing they can’t have a demon, this is totally unscriptural and if it were so, Christians would be perfect as well as free from any forms of sickness or mental torment! So great is the deception which I have come across in the Christian Community that Church leaders actually resist the Holy Spirit in this ministry, failing to recognize that Jesus is at work….. like so many religious leaders of his time did denying the Power! Jesus called them Pharisees, and no one would classify themselves in this category, as no one thinks they are deceived do they!!! Not to cast out demons is totally unscriptural and in fact these people have a different gospel than that which Jesus preached. Firstly, I would like settle this false doctrine that most churches seem to teach…. That Christians can’t have a demon, (which is totally false and actually absurd!) They haven’t come to the realization the Body is made up of three parts, (Spirit, Soul and Body). OK, we understand that now, firstly demons can not inhabit a Born Again persons Spirit, but they can certainly inhabit a persons Soul and Body. Galatians 5 verse 19 tells us of the works of the Flesh that Christians can have, well it might surprise you that these are all the names of demons, & I know, because I have cast them out of Born Again Christians! Now for the proof in Scripture…. 2 Corinthians 7 verse 1. “Therefore, having these promises beloved ( talking to Christians here!!! ) let us cleanse ourselves from all Filthiness of THE FLESH AND THE SPIRIT, perfecting holiness in the fear of God”. Filthiness of the Spirit that we have to cleanse ourselves from????….whats that talking about????? It’s certainly not the new Born again mans spirit which is a new creation in Christ Jesus, it is of course talking about the EVIL SPIRITS. So we see the Evil spirits are in the Soul and the Body of the Christian.
Satan has a Kingdom which incorporates an army, his demons operate with strategy, cunning and great deception. His Kingdom is highly organized and is controlled by fear. Basically it is a counterfeit of Gods Kingdom but instead of Love he uses Fear. The Demonic armies have military precision which most armies of the world would envy, highly organized and very structured. Jesus said a kingdom divided against itself could not stand, and believe me Satans kingdom is not divided unless their comes a more powerful one than they!!! and that my friends is where the Body of Christ comes into play!…for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds, and when that happens, the enemy flees …Praise the Lord!

Do you have any friend connection that can meet at any of these events gathered at churches across the land and internationally they would do better standing agreement with all Godly prayers every where if and how could we further these events a collaboration page on Godly video page would aid at preparation for these kind of events with downloadable ebooks like on the wrw and The Ministry Of Salvation has too offer do you have a menu list of kyle has some good outline resources too.
Willing to discuss and talk about the gospel of Jesus Christ with anyone
I belive the whole bible is the infallible word of God…
Peter do you have a phone number or facebook messenger I can contact you at to be prayed upon ?
See here please. Come join us.
Dear Peter
I was wondering if you could chat with me over email please, I have questions. I had a healing last night with the leech deliverance swallowing up my blessings, I started to see in the spirit, one curse one me and one blessing I believe. I’d like to know if you still have an active ministry on the gold coast. I went to ‘the healing rooms’ through apostolic ministry and wasn’t a good experience for me. I’d really like fellowship saved 1 year only.
Hi Amy! Come on into zoom and we can give you some information.
Please pray for my family Jennifer GRACIELA MANUEL NINJA our dog me Susie my house car financial healing enemy’s attacks mentally physically emotionally thank you God bless in Jesus mighty name AMEN from Nebraska bless you all praying AMEN
God bless you Justin, and thanks for your comment. We have downloadable PDF files that you may be interested in here.
We also fully support Pastor Charles Costello and his resources available on his website that can be found here.
Good day sir I’ve been suffering from brain fog and it’s symptoms and it’s affecting my life and academics. Pls sir what can I do.
Brother Joshua,
You could join us live in zoom so we can kick that demon out in Jesus name! Details are here
Also you might want to use the mass deliverance document which is found here. We hope this helps and will see you in Zoom. Love you in the Lord and God bless you!!
God bless you guys my brothers and sisters in Christ please keep me and my family in prayer for financial breakthrough for spiritual breakthrough I’ve tasted God and know that he is good for unity Lords in my home father I know that you called me and I asked for my brothers and sisters that they intercede for me Denver that I may fulfill what you have planned in my life bring back my bolt confidence in you Jesus sincerely Lano
Always praying for ya!! Join us in zoom Monday, bro!
Hi my name is Patricia from ireland I’ve been suffering serious spiritual attacks from a black witch which have completely left me violently sick 24 hours a day , vomiting , headaches , collapsing, unable to walk and a 100 other symptoms. I am unable to work because of this. This black witch is close to my area and is using black magic, witchcraft, saence’s, death rituals , sorcery, an evil spell , is constantly feeding off my energy and draining me 24 hours a day. She also uses a sacrificial altar against me and has a group of people who have joined her in attacking me and I do not know why as I have done nothing to them. I am simply a follower of Jesus Christ and worship him. I can’t get help in Ireland where im from because the Christian groups don’t seem to under stand here or the torture I’m going through. I would Appreciate any help you could give me please. Im from co. Laois in Ireland. Thankyou
We sent you an email. Thank you!!
Hello Peter Deliverance can you please contact me. email is
Hello it’s Ernesto Curiel I want to sow into your ministry I don’t see a give link? Can you email me one for this ministry.
Yes sir! Thank you!!
Goodmorning Peter are you conducting a live meeting in Qld or in Sydney this year?
Hello, please come visit us in zoom. God bless you.
Is there a meeting in feb? Thx
Hello, of course. The meeting are weekly. Hope to see you there.
Hello Peter, I’m breathing a sigh of relief right now yet felling most grateful to the Lord for always instructing me & allowing me the true vision to see & communicate. I’m 41 yo & I have dealt with the presence including spiritual attacks of the demonic since my 1st memories of life & there’s a # of factors behind this. One thing is I’m a bit of a sensitive only meaning I vibrate 1 certain trait higher than most as most do with some trait or another Ik I’m not special in anyway but as early as these attacks began I had a very strong intuition that always remained that I knew I was experiencing this to attempt to prevent me from fulfilling something pertaining directly to our Lord which is to assist others in their lives also individually changing our world which strays further from God each day. However I have much knowledge to pass on but 24 yrs of regular interference by demons combined with so many other obstacles have either left a level of evil imprinted on me or I have something very well hidden still with me. I no longer can try to live a life where I will challenge Satan while still succeptible to his ills of our world I need guidance & mentorship to combine the word of Jesus with accuracy along with my lifetime of contemplation as spirituality has been pulling me in 2 ways for 41 yrs. Sorry for the length just trying to convey my intent along with current situation. If possible could someone please reach out to me I’m hoping to find a ministry to attend as I need personal contact I know this. Isolation has played a huge part in my stumbling through life. Thank you Peter just for providing a place online for those not able to receive help elsewhere.
With gratitude,
Ryan Medeiros
Cell # 401-660-6297
Sending you a text… invite to the online zoom room. God bless you!
Dear Sir, my son is consumed with panic, fear and anxiety and has been that way since he was little. Do you have accept donations or what is the amount people usually donate? You are worthy of compensation for all you do. Thank you. Diane Tayman, John 14:6….
Dear sister, God bless you!! If you would like to help this ministry by a love gift, we would be grateful and humbled. Whatever amount the Lord puts on your heart is what to give. However, it is NOT a requirement for receiving deliverance or being part of this ministry. Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. We love you and Jesus loves you too! We will add you to the email list for group invites.
Thank you for such a quick response. Shalom, Diane
please i need help urgently I’m being tormented in my dream sometimes even in d physical I’m faith
Hello Faith, God bless you! Come join our meeting tonight and we can pray with you and see what the Lord does for you! Until then, please pray this to cancel all satans wicked dreams, ok. We love you and hope to see you tonight at 5:30pm central time. Details are under “Training” on this website.
I’m in need of a deliverance from generational Altars, Altars of witchcraft and some I may not even know of. From the time I started working I never worked more than 6 months. I feel I have a spirit of backwardness and stagnation, I really never saved always end up somehow with a couple of dollars less than 100. I need a deliverance I’m willing to have it be done live if necessary. Please help I know it maybe a lot of us needing a deliverance I’ve been looking for a deliverance ministry till I gave up than I came across a post with your information. I watched the deliverance done for Jackie. I felt the need to contact you. Thank you I’m advance. God bless!
Hey sister, we dont live stream deliverance. Yes, we can help you. Sending you a private email. God bless you!
Praise God lets fight the good fight together in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Please pray for total freedom deliverance formour son Eric Benjamin Bradea from Melbourne Australia who is a slave todrugs mariohana and bad company ofnfriends, bad soul ties needs to be broken…the Lord spoke tohim about 2 – 3 times but for some reasons Ben isstill going back, lacking ther power to stay free..
He had relationship and authority problems since he was 4yo. We took him to many prayer,deliverance groups, many doctors, phchiatrists, psychologists etc…he was very discouraged when after prayer even God copuldn’t help him …He knew that what he was doing was wrong but couldn’t stop doind it, hate it..he had nopower to overcome that evil thing…
We prayed from tyour Mass deliverance Document, and took Ben’s to heavens Courts but still he is NOT 100% free and with the power to resist evil temptations on his life…
He was baptised and confess Christ as his Lord and Saviour last year!…
Can u help please.
Thank in Jehoshua’s Name This should help you sister! Watch for an email invite for the Saturday zoom group also. Love you and we are praying for this situation.
Plz pray for my husband Samuel, daughter Ruth, son Dan and me. We r being constuntly attact with strife through misunderstandings…I know it’s demonic it’s taring us apart…plz help, we r desperate. Christian love. Devorah.
We are praying for you sister! God bless you!
Please delete my message from your site about Ben Bradea
Thank you
September 11, 2016 at 10:16
Please delete it from your site
Thank you
PS this is the second mesage my text is still there Viorel Bradea message
Pastor, please please please i am under a spiritual attack. There are these three indian women who stared at my crotch and black birds who are attacking me. i believe they cannot succeed against me. but please i seriously need an agreement prayer to bring these weak wickedness into the pit of corruption. Please ask God Almighty restore feeling to my reproductive region. Please i need you to please pray for me. i am a very young person, after they stared i stopped having feeling in that area.
Please come join us in our zoom group! We can help pray for and with you. God bless you, and details are under “Training” section on this website. Love you and God bless you!!
Dear Brother /Sister ,
It is my privilege to have an email with you. I am Pastor Edward Qaser from Lahore , Pakistan. I am serving the Lord Jesus Christ with Ev angelistic and Humanity based ministry , to glorify His name and there is good team of Ministers working with us in the field of Harvest in Pakistan. Our main focus is to reach to unreached with Love of Christ.
People of Pakistan need of knowing about the truth and Love of our Lord Jesus Christ especially the poor people are deprived one.
Dear, EGM Pakistan is also an Humanity base organization and working for the development of the human beings its main object is to mitigate the effects of poverty, disease, illiteracy, bad governance, disasters, human rights abuse and environmental degradation, on the human race at grass roots level and against all odds, restore its decorum.
We accomplish this mission by implementing various community based programs like Empowerment of women , Computer Center, Sewing Center, Flood Relief Projects, Relief in disasters, Provide food to Poor and Disable families, Orphan Center, Scholarship for Poor and Needy Students .
I want to invite you with great love and encouraging words to come to Pakistan and bring the Good News of Lord Jesus with people of Pakistan. Only 2.8 % Christian in Pakistan out of 200 million people , so there is an urgent need of Servants of the Lord.
May Lord lay burden on your heart for your Pakistani brethren .
We are inviting you come to Pakistan to conduct crusades, seminars, Leadership conferences and Evangelical Meetings … Hope to hear from you as soon as….
God Bless you
Edward Qaser ( Director )
Cell :- 92-300-843-7639
Office :- 92-423-596-5371
website :-
I hve I belive been under soirtual oppresion for most of my life and very heavy in recent years,would appreciate any advice or prays
Hey Paul,
We are sending you an email. Also, check under the “Prayers” section on this website for more help and the “teachings” section also. Please, try to join the live group on sat/sun depending on your timezone. Details can be found under “training” sat meeting. Love you brother and God bless you!! Hope to see you soon!
Pastor I am married & trapped in (my) a mental sexual sin I think I need deliverance. Scared & need help.
Please Join us online so we can pray for you!
Also we can see if you are near one of our home churches in AU. Love you in the Lord and God bless you!
I am a Indian Christian Missionary working here in Zambia (Africa). Need financial support daily for travelling in a public transport. Until now no one is supporting me. Kindly pray for me.
We are praying for you!! God bless you! Come join us in zoom if you can! <3
plz sir i need help i dn’t ave email address plz call me here iz my number07019012009 d email address i posted iz nt my plz sir help me
Hello, are you sure this is a correct number?
s.o.s i need help fast have something inside me been up for days,wont let me sleep,heard voice she will claim her husband in 4 days…2 days left! please call,no email access,im john perez,512-765-1758
We are contacting you now…where are you located?
please pastor i need help i m being tormented by evil demonic powers in my dreams even in reality sir I’m being tormented sexually I’m a born again Christian this is really disturbing my Christian life I’m an adult mature in age to get married this has really cost my relationship i ve had so many broken relationships especially when the person is a good Christian all of a sudden he starts losing interest in me for no good reason or me losing interest in dem for no good reason right now my relationship right now i think it’s affecting it now i need a complete deliverance from all this is want to b free n do Gods work n ve a normal relationship n get married please pastor i need ur help on this i need strength from God n total freedom from this evil torments
Hi just come across your site and everything you say I agree with . From November 2016 and still in process God has been delivering me from spirits in my soul I have been a Christian over 20 years. This however is not something that many are experiencing in my church although men are being raised up teaching this deliverance from demons in our church it’s something I never fully understood. God had been speaking to me for some time of how he was going to remove impurities they had been brought to surface . I did receive initial prayer at beginning but I believe it was just the beginning God has led me in a path of self deliverance which is ongoing . It can be so hard but I know it will finish . My mum who I am very close to and who I want to share with I have had to be careful what I say she chooses not to fully believe it and really doesn’t want to sadly so many are the same . I know this is all for I purpose and it’s my desire now to see others fully free and delivered . All prayers welcomed. Thanks
God bless you Paula! Please come join us in zoom on Monday or Sat 6pm central time. Look under the “Training” tabs for more info. We have a great group the Lord has put together that are like-minded. Hope to see you there! Love you in the Lord! <3
Hi Pastor where are you located? I need deliverance.
Hey Carolina, God bless you! Only a deliverance minister, not a pastor. Located off the Gold Coast, AU. However, we gather for deliverance all over the world using an internet program called zoom. Please join us…details are here. Love you in the Lord!
Please Someone of strong Faith call me (630) 362-****
Someone from this ministry will call you sister! God bless you and Love you in the Lord!
Battling witchcraft, mind control. Interject spirits. Satanic curses. Lots of trauma and other.
Thank you for your comment sister Kim. We sent you an email to work out a good time to pray for you. <3
Hello, my entire family was into really dark stuff, most of which they strived to keep hidden from me. My dad and sister were both wolves in sheep’s clothing, they would mock people they knew in the community for trusting them. I moved 1000 miles away but I still feel trapped. I’m exhausted and in pain all the time even though I’m physically very fit and active. Its been like 15 years of this. Please pray for me, I barely have the strength to do anything. I know it has something to do with them. I live in the us btw. I really need help, I cannot do it alone.
Hey Mark, God bless you! We sent you an email.
I am really desperate for help. I would so appreciate help getting free so that I can be back to the life God has for me. I can’t possibly describe all that has transpired but I am so paralyzed I cannot function. I once had a strong and peaceable walk with the Lord and my mind is so messed up from trauma and a bunch of cultish ministries I did not perceive were deception until it was too late . I feel like I was bewitched as in Galatians. Its so crazy. I am plagued with distrust and feel like I cannot quite get back to what is real. I would trade everything I have to regain the soundness of mind and peace I once enjoyed. Please help me!
I cannot believe my own behavior in this and the toxic shame of having lived in new covenant joy to being so bound up. Is it possible to receive some ministry via phone? I am very far away. PLEASE HELP
Hey sister, I believe we ministered to you on Sat night. Did you still want a phone call? Please join us in zoom on Monday, ok. Love you in the Lord!!
Hi Peter!
Our family wants to shout a huge thank you.
Yourself and Jimmy are valuable vessels for Christ and are awesome brothers in Christ. Amen.
We love and appreciate you all! God bless your family, in Jesus name!!
Help me the evilone has me heart i cant feel love nor joy im truly scared iv tried deliverance through prayer at the catholic church to no avail my mind is foggy i can hardly look after myself i have a yo ge daughter and adult with a disability i cant pray from the heart
Hey sister Karey, we are sending you an email so we can help you pray, ok. Love you in the Lord!
I need prayers for a Job.I need a Stable payable Job.The enemy has been fighting me on this.
Praying and sending you an email. God bless you!!
I thank my Lord Jesus for using this ministry to bring me the deliverance I’ve needed, even though I knew I was born again I knew somehow I still wasn’t completely free and that there were things in my life tormenting and working against me, I was almost constantly in fear, so afraid that I wouldn’t even close my eyes for too long in prayer because I was afraid, while I was asleep I’d been attacked in my sleep, I found it hard to prayer and to feel even close to God. Now I can say that I’m experiencing God’s love, for the first time I truely seeing Him as my Father and I am His daughter and I will continue to believe and proclaim it. May God bless my brothers and sisters as we help each other and His love abide in us so that we can continue to be connected as the wonderful family we really are.
I have been delivered recently of lots of things. My depression is totally gone. My headaches are gone, granted I still have a knot on my head from my concussion, but thank you Jesus- by your stripes I am healed. I have learned to forgive myself. I am no longer using my blue inhaler on a daily basis, lungs are AWESOME– I even ran in church yesterday!!! I am not taking my Prilosec anymore- who needs it. I am eating like a horse again, and VERY VERY active again. In fact, I feel like I am 23 again instead of in my early 50’s. I am more loving now. I have forgiven others for what they have done to hurt me, and had some soul ties broken yesterday at church. I can not say how much I appreciated the deliverence prayers the other night. I am a NEW creature in Chirst, and the old fireball is back again 100% with a fresh hot new fire inside her soul. I am making more testimony videos and singing gospel for the world to see. My God how great thou art!!!!!!! Thank you Jesus– Hallelujauh and Glory to God- I am healed!!!
THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!! Thats awesome sister! Praise the Lord….thx for sharing! God bless you and hope to see you in the zoom room again! Love you in the Lord!
Dear Brother in Jesus,
I so thank the Lord I have found your site.Today Halloween has been a day from hell but finding your site gives me fresh hope over victory in Jesus over the dark forces of Satan and Halloween.My name is Trevor a born again christian but unfortunately backslidden.I realise my failings.
I have 2 sons very much for me and two against me.I am a male aged 60 living in Worcestershire
United Kingdom .My ex wife is a Christian and ive got deep love in my heart for her.
Please pray for deliverance for my sons Simon and Joseph who have a lot of demonic problems .
Thankyou for your site. God Bless you all
God bless you Trevor…. we are sending you an email, ok
Thank you so much I praise God for finally I found this page..I have been a Christian for almost 33 years but seems life has been a cycle until I feel I have to dig more deeper and need deliverance from my past generational curses must be uprooted hence,,I am serving God as missionary but there are times I struggle and keeps coming back to my past..I need more prayers full..complete deliverance to see me free and to claim my breakthrough..I am praying or God to bless me to be a blessing specially to the ministry I am serving the poor less privilege missionary friend told me to find prayers in You Tube on deliverance and spiritual warfare prayers that I also needed as my weapons in the missionfield..Please include me in your prayers for I am preparing for my Africa mission early on 2018 praying for a financial breakthrough,,divine favor and God will lead me to divine connections in the body of Christ to work on with in God’s kingdom..thank you so much for this page is a blessing God has a purpose I am here! God bless you beyond measure
We are praying for you! Love you in the Lord! Try to join us in zoom when you can so we can pray with the group.
Hi, I’ve sent you a message last month or so but I haven’t got any answer yet. Could you tell me where and when would you have a deliverance service next ? Are you located in Perth WA ? Thank you.
Hey sister, sorry about the mix up. I believe bro Jimmy tried to call you? Heres the link…. I will send you a personal email too, ok. God bless you!
My 20 yr old son is in constant torment, he is self harming,some very destructive and life threatening and has developed ocd rituals that are taking over his life. He has some intellectual impairment and wants to be completely set free from it. The self awareness of his condition (now that he is an adult) is causing him to grief heavily over what has been lost to him and the struggle to navigate life with a mental impairment had him wanting to suicide. Please can you help us?
sure sis…sending you an email, ok
Sis Virginia, how is your son now? Is he better?
I desperately need prayers. My husband is from ri. He is schizophrenic, bi polar, has anxiety, depression, and adhd. We live in pa and he wanted to leave his life behind in ri becuz he was a drug addict, an alcoholic, and was involved in gangs and was in jail. His whole family consists of the same so we live in pa and he chooses not to have contact with them. We all go to church, my husband has a great job that he loves, he’s a great husband, father, family man, and person. He even got baptized last month. However he changes when he is off his meds and we have an argument that he feels is serious. So what he does is just take off. He did this to me again (he has done this twice before) on Saturday. I went to Walmart and he was gone when I came home and it turns out he’s in ri (the other 2 times he has left he’s gone there too). He doesn’t say anything to me, he just disappears. Please pray that he snaps out of this quickly and that he comes back home safe soon. Christmas is approaching and the kids keep asking for him.
We are praying for this situation sister! Lord, we need a miracle!! Sending you an email also, ok. God bless you sister!
Hello, im in need of help. Too ashamed to post on here the details but need deliverance i believe.
Are you able to help… i cannot take this anylonger i need Jesus to take charge and saturate every area of my life, soul and spirit.
well, the desperate get delivered!! We are sending you an email, ok. God bless you!
I need help restoring my marriage, my currently separated. I want my marriage still my husband doesnt. Ive been praying for restoration almost a year now.
We sent you an email sister Natalie. God bless you! God will restore what the enemy has stolen!
Please pray that all demonic spirits will be removed from Cary’s life. He has a calling on his life but the demonic spirits continue to try to trap his mind and thoughts in all he do. I know God still heals and delivers I also know he (Cary) is one of his chosen servants. Please pray over his name and seek God on his healing and deliverance.
We are praying about this situation…please try to join us in zoom sat so we can pray with you. Also, invite him to attend. Thank you and God bless you!
Are you in Brisbane , Australia?
I need deliverance
Hello and God bless you! We are located off the Gold Coast.
Please pray for me. I am a survivor of SRA and feel like I am going through deliverances. I speak in tongues. I plead the blood of Jesus over me and speak his dunamis to heal my wounds in my soul.
I have been in this cycle of homelessness and poverty and can’t seem to get out. I came to Northern California because i felt God was calling me here. I had a job as a caregiver but was fired because I didn’t go to the woman’s birthday party. I have forgiven her and continue to forgive anyone who has hurt me. I struggle with fear, anxiety and depression. I have even felt like committing suicide. I am so tormented in my mind and emotions and though I pray and read God’s word, it doesn’t let up for long. Please pray for me and that my dog and I can have a forever home and a job.
Sending you an email sister. We can pray for you, ok. We also prayed during an online zoom group for you and your situation too. <3 you sister! Gods got his hand on you!
I need deliverance please I’ve had bad spiritual experiences and I feel like I’m in hell! I’m bedridden in pain 24/7 , have had seizures, have insomnia, anxiety, depression, memory issues, cognitive issues, brain fog, sore throat, etc. I’m scared and alone , I used to use alcohol and drugs , but I’ve given it all up! Please help me! Thank you
Hey sister Melissa, Thanks for contacts us. We are already working with you on Facebook chat…. We look forward to praying with you soon.
Hope you are feeling much better Melissa. I know how you feel and you are not alone in this!
Hello Peter, praise the Lord God bless you. Thank you for the great work you are doing. I need deliverence. Please get back to me. Deliverence from evil, unclean, religious demonic spirits. Please help me. Thank you.
Hey sister Ravi! Come join us in tomorrows meeting…times will vary per country. The info is found here, ok. See you there! God bless you! <3
Thank you Peter. I have joined the group. See you tomorrow.
I married into what seemed like the perfect family. Turned into a horrible 5 years. I left a controlling church and I finally found my way back to God learning how to pray and fast. After a lot of forgiveness, it feels like I’m finally coming out of a fog. Sometimes my husband seems to be coming out of a fog too. I almost don’t recognise myself in the mirror. I suspect that his family is involved in the occult and have completely minimised interactions with them due to their cruelty towards myself and my children. I have also found out that my family have a curse on them due to some horrible things my maternal grandfather did. My mum is dementing and I don’t believe its organic because the neurosurgeon has not found any positives in his tests. My dreams have been a battle field. I dreamt twice, 2 months ago that I was casting out demons from people by just asking them to leave. Before that, and ever since then, my dreams are filled with attacks, from dogs, crocodiles, armed people and people in uniforms. I have dreamt of being in places where I was assisting very bad people do very bad things. In most of my dreams I have a common theme of hiding my children or making sure they are hidden. Multiple times I’ve dreamt of being in a castle with a girl who has long black straight hair and every time I’ve escaped she finds me and reminds me that I was a gift and I cant leave. I’ve seen myself lying on an altar with women surrounding me and one said ‘Tell the priestess she’s waking up’ in a worried voice. I’ve visited a cave in a mountain that had a huge throne of very hot metal and on it sat a huge demon like creature that seemed in charge. I wasn’t scared and the people we were walking with said something about it being the lord of the flies. I looked it up on the internet and read about Balzebub. My dreams continue to be filled with mountains and hills and places curved out of mountains and cliffs that seem very familiar to me. I dreamt yesterday that I was at a large airport but all around me I could see demons trying to pass off as regular people. Before I got to the airport I had a series of dreams trying to keep my children safe on the mountains and in a curved on the cliff side castle like apartments. I kept annoying the demons by talking about Jehova being the only true God and Jesus being the rightful heir and the one true defeater of death and hell. Even just repeating his name over and over to irritate them. They gave me a plate of food and I started to eat and just as I was swallowing I threw it up back on the plate and thrust the plate back to the chefs hand, which transformed into a hairy wolf like paw and he got really angry. I walked away from him and there was abit of commotion and a large white man dressed in all white like the old airforce or pilot uniform with golden ranks on the side walked up to me. I wasn’t scared but somehow I understood I’d croseed the line. He was so angry he was foaming on the side of the mouth. I heard someone say ‘oh oh, she’s made him angry’ and somehow I knew his name was balzebub though he looked nothing like the first one I saw. I said i’d stop doing what i was doing. He walked away, but after that I couldn’t find my children. I looked everywhere and was screaming for them and everywhere I went was an organised crowd walking around me monitoring my every move. The thing that has me concerned is that afew months ago while talking to my mum in her delirious state. She said the house had been waking her up with voices. ( There’s a lot of spiritual activity in her house) She said she asked them why they’ve decided to finish all the children. I thought at the time it was because in every family on my maternal side, there is a child with a terminal illness. Even the family with one child. The child is sick. Now those words have me concerned. I wake up every morning cancelling my dreams and praying. I set my alarm at night to pray but it doesn’t go off. I’m struggling really hard to fast and a ridiculous hunger comes over me. I know I need deliverance. My whole family needs deliverance. I need to learn how to help myself and my family and other people. I don’t ever want anyone to live like this when I know there is life abundant that we’ve been promised. The pastors I have spoken too don’t believe in deliverance and I have been shamed and belittled for even suggesting that stuff is going on. My children are tormented by dreams too from when they turn 2. As well as seeing shadow people. Which we used to see as children. I need help please. Brisbane
I sent you an email.
God bless you
Greetings people of God of the keys of Kingdom deliverance ministries in the name of our LORD GOD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST AMEN. I want you to please lift me up in prayer that Almighty GOD will grant me grant me Hinga Aloysious Lamin and grant me and household family members business contracts that were can do and make huge money in JESUS MIGHTY NAME AMEN. Pray that GOD will will locate me with many travelling opportunities Now and forever more AMEN.
*[2] PRAY THAT GOD ALMIGHTY WILL bless Sierra Leone WEST Africa and help to facilitate many jobs creational industry and institutions to create vast jobs employment in JESUS MIGHTY NAME I PRAY AMEN .
*[3] I PRAY that GOD bless you all for prayer for hinga Aloysious Lamin and heals you from every problems and issue tormenting your life’s in JESUS MIGHTY NAME AMEN .
Dear Beloved Brethren, many greetings through the exalted name of our Loving Savior Jesus Christ from Kenya. I am very much pleased to tell you that your teachings on your website are a great blessing to me, my family and the young independent Christian fellowship that I founded when I got the call of the Lord to do so…The fellowship is of 58 members. I also take care of 25 orphans…It is my kind request that you also remember these needy orphans under my care in your daily prayers that God can open those ways for their needs both in physical and spiritual growth. As well I kindly invite you to come here in Kenya and bless our people with the gospel of our Lord Jesus. Kenya needs mighty people of God to lead them into salvation and know the Living God…Pass our sincere regards and greetings to all Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Yours in His service.” Pastor ORLAN Kenya, East Africa
Awesome! Great to meet you brother! Feel free to share the teachings worldwide for free! They belong to Jesus! Try to join us in zoom if you can and introduce yourself. Love you in the Lord!
My mother needs deliverance from smoking and COPD.
Sending you an email…. Also, share these prayers, ok.
Dear brethren in Christ,
our hearts is spiritually touched with your encouragement reading from your website kindly please share more with us and help us with your teaching materials for they will help us in our fellowship here and win more souls to Christ Jesus we pray and request you kindly if you have Bibles to send to us that Lord will lead you to come and share the word of God with us we hope that God bless us to share more in his kingdom and pray for the orphans who I TAKE CARE OF AND worship with THEM happy to read from you in Jesus name. .
pastor Orlan KENYA
Dear Peter, Greetings in the Name of our coming Messiah and King of Kings, The Lord Jesus Christ.
My name is Viorel Bradea from Melbourne Australia. My son Benjamin has a mental problem since he was 2yo. Over the years we went to many prayer mettings all over Melbourne for deliverance but with no results. Today he is 21 and just stoped smoking about 2wks ago; he is stil drinking ocassionally and no drugs anymore. But when I was talking to him about God, Jesus he told me that this is NOT real. This is a spirit of unbelief that entered him. We try to help him see the need for deliverance but he do not belive he has a problem. We need your help to pray and agree with us that Jesus may have mercy on Benjamin and set him totally free from this and help him walking in his destiny maped out by God even before he was born Ps 139.. He was living in Brisbane for 3 month last year with some christians friends but he did not agree with them on many doctrines..this is where he got confused and moved away from God. We still love him and as he lives with us in Melbourne now we are here for him to help when he ask for it. We cannot talk to him about Bible, Jesus or God as he do no tbelive in any of this doctrines. Please help us see Benjamin delivered for good and that the Holy Spirit may give Ben a special revelation of God and Jesus for him to believe and see the POwer of God in action working in his life. Last year he had a great encounter with God and after he did a course on Supernatural Fire with Fire Church here inMelbourne, he went ona mission trip to Perth with another brother from the church who did the same course and God used Ben greatly in praying for people even on the plane to Perth and saw miraculous healing. But something happened at the end of last year and he do not believe anymore. He had a psychotiv event and was in the mental hospital for about one month and had treatment with medication but he did not continued to take the full course…
Thank you for praying with us and for us with other brothers and sisters.
I have anew prayerrequests you. Dont understand the pain that I’ve been through like ivebeenthrough some chemotherapy and some radiology so now can we plz pray about my head im just wondering cuz since you dont understand the pain in my head formeto lookat myrightsides
We are praying Sean!! Love you!
Are you having any more meetings in August on the Gold Coast or in Brisbane?
Hello Donna! The meetings are every first and third Monday night ….every Month. I hope that helps. God bless you!
Dear servants of the Lord.
Receive greetings in the name of Jesus to you and the whole ministry.
We are a young ministry in western Kenya Nyanza province.
After going through your web and seen what the Lord is doing with you we are pleased to invite you to come and be a blessing to us in Kenya through open air crusades, training of church leaders planting churches as a branch in Africa , support of orphans, widows and vulnerable and to help us reach the unreached with the massage of love and peace during this time when the rains have done havoc in Kenya with floods, homes ,crops are washed away people are in pain.
Pst John and Hellen Amina
Outreach Community Church
Box 637 Sare Awendo 40405 East Africa Kenya
Phone +254720734200.
Thank you for your kind words and the invites! Praise God for you! As the Lord leads.. we will pray about it, ok. <3 you all
Hi Everyone
Thank u so much for everything and all the prayers. My deliverance session was awesome and all i could hear in my thought were it’s finished! So excited to have gone through this process and looking forward to staying in touch and sharing in the victories to come. God Bless the Ministry!
Thanks so much for sharing your testimony! God bless you! <3
This is my begging to you for a simple mercy from you. Me and my family is in very big trouble and there is no one to help us out without you. Sir, I am from Bangladesh and my name is Jewel das and I am from a Hindu family. Sir, once long time ago, I was living in India and I had a very simple but peaceful life. Sir, I am not from a rich family and I don’t have big education too. I learned English from the tourists. In India, an old guy from France saw me somewhere and I don’t know where he saw me and he is a magician and since then he started to do very bad magic in my life secretly and and to my family too. I didn’t know that guy and I never had any troubles with him too anywhere. He just found me a Bangladeshi guy, very happy, simple and smiley and he was extremely jealous. He started all types of very bad magic on me and on my family since then but still I knew nothing about it. He put some invisible creatures in me and in my family and around us and he made me and my family’s life totally hell. Once he showed up in India long time ago and but I did not know that he was doing all these bad to me and he was saying that he came to help me and my family. And he directly started to ruin me and my family’s life totally since then, he broke my relationship with my wife and daughter and he killed my father with extreme torture and he killed my innocent Swedish friend and many other innocent people and he sent me to the prison for nothing. These invisible creatures violently possessed me and my family and speak very bad things always and they move in the body and especially in the private areas of the body. They speak along or through with any sounds and they speak to me though sound and in the mind. Once they stopped that talking through sounds and it made me violently panic, they have been speaking through sounds since 2014. I went to some local healers but they couldn’t do anything, I felt a little bit better for a while but again they overcame it soon. When I walk on the street or look at people or talk to people, they come in the people and they do bad things to me using those people and harass me badly. They made some strongholds in my mind. When I tried to go to those local healers they tried to make me very panic always. I also felt, if they are suddenly gone and all these invisible talks stopped, it will make a violent psychological disorder in me. It is like, I have been listening to these invisible sounds from them for long time and if that stops suddenly, it will create a big problem in the mind and this is their other stronghold too. And they gave me very strange senses too. I feel, it all has to be gone gradually so I get healed very safely and normally without any psychological disorder. I feel useless in life. I feel there is no one to help me and I have no possibilities to meet any powerful healer because we don’t have any and I have no possibilities to go to rich countries because I am from the third world and I have no money to pay. I live on my old mother and I don’t have my own money to buy a simple pencil even. But, before that bad man I had at least possibilities to earn a little. That bad man and his invisible creatures totally occupied my body, mind and soul and they destroyed my job an life and every good things, whenever I feel a bit better, immediately they destroy it. Now, I have no money of my own, no job and no possibilities in life. What type of indescribable trouble he made to me and my family and to the other innocents I cannot explain in words and still his torture on me and on my family and on the innocents are continuing and increasing. Sir, I am from Bangladesh and I am not rich too and I have no possibilities to travel to any rich countries to get any help and everywhere I go I see his invisible creatures around me and they are blocking all good natural communications with people and they are always threatening me and they made and still trying to make countless problems in my body and in my life and in my family and they swallowed a few places in my body and they are trying to swallow in new places, they make serious itching in the body and they move in the private places in the body and they blocked all the good things in my life and they are trying to make psychological disorder and harm and kill me and my family all the ways. Sir, those spirits gave me a type of sense too and they talk to me sometimes through sounds or directly but I never saw them. This listening to their voices through sounds started since 2014. Sometimes, these spirits do very good things to me too. Sometimes they torture me very badly and I went to local healers here and those spirits were not doing bad for a while and again they overcome that and started to torture me. Sir, once I prayed to LORD JESUS and suddenly they stopped that invisible voice through sounds and I came back to normal sense and immediately it all made me very panic and my heart was beating very badly and I thought either I will die or go mad or something very bad. It is because, long time I got used to their invisible voices through sounds and sense and suddenly it was absent and that big change was creating that problem. I then read in the Internet about that, in deliverance ministry site they said, “if such things are suddenly stopped they could make serious damages in the mind and body and such things have to be stopped or cured very smoothly and gradually” and I felt it is very true. They always try to harm me through everything and they try to take me to bad situations and they try to bring all bad things to me. They are doing indescribable torture in and on me. Sir, there is nothing impossible for you, and you can see and know the past and present and future I believe. Sir, please look at all the past, present and future and see all the extreme troubles and tortures that french man and his invisible creatures made and are making and are planning for the future. Sir, please spread your kind hands to save me and my family and the other innocents, I know you can give life. Sir, please help me and my family out of all these forever and free me and my family and all the innocents from that man and from his invisible creatures forever. One thing I noticed that, whenever I went to a healer, immediately those spirits enter in the healer or they enter in the people around them and from inside of me and from the other people these spirits start to use bad words and bad swearing against the healer or the God or Lord Jesus and then healing doesn’t work anymore and they that is how they overcome and cut magic. Sir, I am the only hope of my family and my old mother. Sir, please heal us from all these too. Sir, please forgive me if I said anything wrong. Sir, I would be forever grateful to you. In this life I have no one but my creator GOD and my mother and my this little family. Every good friends I had, that French man made them my enemies already. Sir, bless me from your heart.
Sir, I hope and believe you have a soft corner in your heart that will save me and my family forever . Sir, please save us.
Sincerely Yours,
Jewel das
Hey brother, only Jesus can save us….what is your whatsapp number please… we will call you, ok
Brother I do appreciate your webpage,but I have a problem still trying to get to get some your prayers. It gives me a hard time to get it,thanks.I
what kind of device are you using sister? A phone? A laptop? A tablet?
Hi Pastor,
I happened to bump into your site. I believed God must have led me to your site. I have been tormented by buddhist demon since 2016. I asked my pastors to pray for me, but I know the demon is still there. I need deliverance. and be set free. I m very tired fighting these demons on my own. Im frustrated. I should be experiencing God, but what I experience is demons and constantly fighting with demons. These demons won’t let me go and said I belong to it. Im a born again Christian and was a buddhist since birth. This demon create havoc in my life and also financially. It will caused me pain, now it give me a cyst in my right thyroid, discomfort in my throat and high cholesterol.
My husband on and off have gout or foot pain and he will be limping for months. Please pray for my husband’s right foot healing. Lost his job a few years ago.
My youngest William son have lip infirmity, swollen, cracked and peeled lip for many years. Asked many pastors prayed but no success. He has also been to the hospital and done biopsy but they couldn’t find out what is wrong with his lip. I suspect it is also demonic. He also need to be set free from computer game addiction. Please pray for his lip to be healed 100%, to be set free from computer game addiction and also pray for his salvation.
My eldest son is also a computer games addict and please pray for him to be set free from computer games addiction.
How can I go about getting a deliverance? Thanks. God Bless.
Hello sister and God bless you!! Please come to our online deliverance meeting Monday at 6pm central time…Here is the Link.. Hope to see you there to see what God will do!
Hi Pas Peter, I miss the Mon meeting. Not familiar with the zoom. Noticed that there is a sat meeting. Can I go to the Sat meeting. May I know the time 6 pm Sat, is it Australia time or USA time?
Just wondering whether should I go to your Gold Coast church? If yes, when and what time?
I m living in southside of Qld. I wrote an email but no reply from you. Thanks.
Hi have been hacing some trouble for a while now and lately at night been having attacks with bad nightmares of evil and pain. Also between my eyes feels funny and well there is a lot more to story but I need to resolve this once in for all. Glory to god. Praise Jesus. Is there someone I can meet and talk to for some advice. Feeling like ive lost my soul :(.
Sending you an email bro! Have you been to the zoom room online gathering yet?
I would like to have deliverance from demons
Join us on zoom… here is the link…
Hi Pastor,
I live in the Gold Coast and I need deliverance could you please pray for me,
Hey Rachel, Please leave your phone number and we will give you a call, ok. We have a deliverance hall in southport.
Please pray for my family
Business is stagnant nothing is working fear of life and panic attacks can you family in turmoil what is to be done I feel sleepy all the time.
Hello Thomas and God bless you! We would like to pray for you. What is a good number to reach you at?
I need deliverance. How do I reach you?
I really need deliverance. How do I reach you please?
We are sending you an email, ok. God bless you!!
Thank you Jesus for my mother Mary and the love we have for you dear God. I pray desperately for your divine and supernatural healing within my mother Mary’s body! Free her from all evil. Kill every cancer cell in her body and replace it with healthy and functioning cells right now dear God! Send your Holy Spirit to fight this battle for her! Your word says there is nothing too big for you to accomplish oh Lord! You are the only one that can heal my mom! You are the Great I Am, the Great Physician, our everything. By the powers you have given us as healers here on earth, I COMMAND EVERY CANCER CELL in my beloved moms body to shrivel up and die! Right NOW. This miracle of healing from cancer will be known to her this instant! And to the doctors at her next appointment! We will be testimonies to your greatness oh lord! Wash my mother with the blood of Christ to cleanse her from all evil. Breathe LIFE into her lungs and her entire being! Mind, body and soul! Uplift her and make your presence known! We love you oh God and have complete faith in you! And so it is,,, my mother is HEALED from cancer! She will no longer need to go through harsh treatments. We praise you and your name Lord Jesus Christ! We pray in Jesus name, Amen and Amen!
We touch an agree with this prayer in Jesus name!! <3
Respected Missionary in Christ,
Greetings in Abundance to you through the Potent name of our Potent Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
In this connection, we being the Servants of God, honored and delighted to be disclosed about our service oriented Organization, Titled, “BEAR AND CARE SERVICE SOCIETY”, being rendered our services since 2007 itself at our operational areas and villages here in India with Faith and Trust (Mathew 9:22). We have established 22 churches in 22 villages. We are sincerely conducting the Revival Gospel Meetings, youth retreats, Fasting Prayers, House to house Visits to pray for the sick and needy, often we visit the hospitals to pray for the chronic deceased people, Sunday school and distribution of some precious Biblical literature. This was all being done with the due involvement and cooperation of our co-pastors and other fellow ministry workers.
On our Ministry behalf, our predominant concentration towards Caste Hindu People and Hindu localities. Really, with our Vehement and Strenuous Gospel work among Caste Hindu people was being given sustainable results, accordingly, so far some Hindu people have been accepted Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior and Redeemer and also some Hindu’s were Baptized by us(Matthew 3:5-6).
So far as our Social Services for the Poor and Destitute Orphan kids for 20 and we were being provided them the basic amenities within the purview of our limited might. Often, we were being extended some generous help in the form of distributing the rice and some clothes for poor old aged widows, (James 1:27), (Psalms 41:1). We were being rendered all this with our Sunday offerings and some liberal contributions made by some generous hearted people at our areas here in India. We are maintaining the “COMPASSIONATE CHILDREN HOME”. Please kindly Pray for their basic amenities and for their bright future.
Most obviously, if it is the Will of God, your physical presence here in India is highly solicited to share the Word of God in our Churches. We will pray the Lord for this precious sake immensely.
Please pray for us as we pray for you. We shall look forward for your further the most fruitful, diligent and prayerful response as early as possible with good anticipation and decent hope.
Your fellow-labourer in the harvest field of Jesus,
Chilukuri Showraiah,
hello Craig I need deliverance from my dyspepsia or bowel problem and spirit of rejection and fear
Come tonight, ok
Keys to the Kingdom fellowship and deliverance!! Join us tonight starts at 5:30pm central time! God bless you all! Love you!!!! ~Zoom is an world-wide online group meeting~
Last Saturday my husband and I received amazing deliverance at the Gold coast meeting. I Praise God for his mercy and love. I was led by the spirit to renounce any hold over my husband and recognise that he was my covering. That freed him, and me, in such an immense way. Surrendering everything to God is really the only way. God is soo good and he did come to set the captives free. I love you guys and continue to thank God for you. May God bless you in every way. Thank you. I feel very loved. I am very loved, Glory to God!!
Thank you sister!!!! Love you!
please pray for restoration of all money lost in addiction,unrestraint in church to praise god,my apt will come thru fast,deliverance from the negative effects of the environment i live in,salvation for all i liv around,weight gain,healing of aids,salvation for gary,deliverance from gayness and buddism ,drinking,total deliverance for bllue
Praying also!! We sent you an email.
Hi Peter.
My name is James Randall, and I’m in need of further deliverance and inner healing.
Could you possibly help me?
Sure, will send you an email. God bless you!!
I have been dealing with insomnia for two years in a row. Sometimes I can’t sleep or sometimes I sleep but I keep on dreaming. Sometimes I feel evil close in my dreams as I pray for people in my dreams. I am trying to get pregnant and I can’t my body is stress out and too tired.
Please help me to overcome this situation.
Hello dear sister, sending you an email, ok Gd bless you!!
I need a prayer guidance or christian advice… I am saved and my husband hasn’t… To make the story short we have been married for nine or ten years now… Three years ago, i learned the hard fact that my husband is porn addicted and sex addicted.. I found the hard evidences etc… Of course Ise i was so heartbreaking and I am still….. he had a mistress for two years and it was horrible… he told me he stopped seeing him… we re going to buy the house and i asked him if he stopped seeing any woman etc and he said yes but yesterday morning I found a brand new box of condoms on in his car… it’s so exhausting.. we have two small kids pl there re a lot more than this… howeve I need prayer guidance for myself and kids and as well for my husband….please contact me asap
Thanks for your comment Tracy. Look for an email, ok. Thx <3
Hi Peter plz I need help ever since I laid hands and prayed over an SriLankan women a Roman Catholic that very day I had vision bad and later that night in my prayer time I felt some thing blocking my prayers a literal physical presence.! N a horrible dream of torment never had any thing like this before .! A v loud voice said stop enough n the dream ended ..this happened over a year a ago .! Now I feel something on me I can literally feel it there more to this .! Plz plz help me ..! My feet s n body on fire when l start reading the word or praying n I don’t like this presence .! I would love come to one of the deliverance meeting .plz pray for me .! I’m fed up of this ,.! I love the Lord .! Dreams and visions all have stopped since.! Plz help.!
Hey sister!! Where are you located and whats a good number to reach you at?
Hello Peter, I am desperate need of prayer and deliverance for my husband. God has been dealing with me on spirit spouses. I have done some research on the subject and I do believe that I and my husband has a spiritual spouse. I said the prayer of deliverance to divorce my spiritual spouse today and will continue the prayer of deliverance. I believe this is real! I have re-dedicated my life to the Lord and have repented for my sins. My husband does not believe in it. When we talk about it, he wants to know where is this supported in the bible. I need help! Thanks
Come to zoom sis and we can discuss it, ok. Here are the details…. Monday night fellowship, deliverance, and healing!! Join us tonight(ONLINE) starts at 6pm central time! Bring your gift and lets edify the body together! God bless you all! Love you!!!!
A wicked sorcerer casted a spell on me. It gives me the chills makes me scared and confused. I also believe I have a spirit spouse. I need help.
Hey Jennifer…come now and we can pray… Monday night fellowship, deliverance, and healing!! Join us tonight(ONLINE) starts at 6pm central time! Bring your gift and lets edify the body together! God bless you all! Love you!!!!
I am being tormented by demons…. Having sex in the dream every night….. I have confessed Jesus and I have prayed with all my heart… I even preach the word of God to many… But the demons still prove strong to let me go. I am from Nigeria
What is your whatsapp number so we may contact you please.
My WhatsApp number is +2348062064648. Thank you for your reply.
please pray for my son who is tormented by schizophrenia, delusions, hallucinations, evil voices, night terrors and fear and anxiety.
sending you n email, ok. God bless you!
Hi, I need prayer. Around 3 months ago I spoke against the Holy Spirit and ever since then all hell broke loose Im being attacked day and night. I have blasphemous thoughts against God which causes physical pain in the body. I am reading the bible and praying all the time with no avail. I also have bad dreams all the time. Can you pray for me or do you think i commited the unpardonable sin? Thank you very much. God bless
Hello and God bless you. We sent you an email…. please followup so we can help you. <3
SOS!!! I really need your help guys!!! I need the most urgent and the most powerful prayers possible, please!!! Please pray for LAURA, my daughter to STOP her hormone treatment that she is going to start in a few days…and to stop her surgery to become a MAN…my poor girl she is only 20… Please Pray for her deliverance and Salvation now and forever in Jesus name. Thank you loads in advance. Virginia
Try to come tonight so we can pray! We are also praying!
Hello Peter. I really need help very badly…only three days left…and my daughter gonna start injecting into herself that evil drug called hormone treatment to become a MAN…and than her operation will follow… Im born again christian but all these bad things are happening is just because of my past sins…I still keep on repenting but to no avail…she is only 20 years old and she is about to do the thing that is unreversible….Im crying for help…please…
What is your phone number or WhatsApp number dear sister?
Please help me. suffering tremendously physically with extreme pain and symptoms. It’s literally torture. Doctors can’t figure out anything only made me worse. Jerry 626-502-5641 USA
Hey bro Jerry, we will contact you soon. God bless you.
Born again Christian but need deliverance from ancestral lines, rape, infirmities, fatherlessness, motherlessness. Bitterness, regrets, just anything and everything possible I want to be a new creature in jesus christ. I also need healing for autoimmune systems and body systems not properly working
come to zoom, we can help you!!
Hello Peter,
Iam in need of Deliverance in my mind, have recurring thoughts of suicide and also severe depression. I send most of my day in bed and have no strength, Joy or happiness.
Thank you
sent you an email. God bless you!!
I have been interceding for my family who are bound with strongholds of false beliefs. I am looking for help in knowing how best to intercede for them to free them from deception in an effective manner without crossing the line between effective intercession and spiritual witchcraft.
Thank you, be blessed.
Hey D, pray this for them, ok…..and BE THE LIGHT!! Give them a reason to want to be a believer. Lift up the Lord Jesus too! Tracy
I think Im needing…REALLY needing to take the step on what you all have to offer. I remeber now that Ive seen your site again browsing through it a couple of years ago but didnt do anything about it..well Im still struggling..things have gotten worse for me…I live on the GC…where do I go from here…Im not comfortsble anywhere I go..but if you have meetings I NEED TO COME ALONG..Im reaching out with a broken mind heart and spirit.
sending you an email, ok.
I need help, I’m self destructive, I destroy every good thing that comes into my life and it’s not getting any better. I have children I don’t want to pass it onto them. I feel like my mind is being controlled sometimes. I’ve repented for a lot of things and still praying God will show me what else I may need to repent for. I don’t know what to do from here. I feel I’m about to destroy my marriage and I can’t stop it. I love my husband so much but I feel like I hate him half the time and the hateful words that come out of my mouth are not what I want to say. I feel like my heart aches in sadness while my mouth says evil. God delivered me from other things but this is really holding on to me. What can I do?
We are sending you an email, Mary. Look for it.
I need some deliverance from strongholds
Hey Donna,
Sending you an email.
Hello. I need prayers for healing and deliverance. I have tried quitting sexual immorality and the more i try, the harder it gets. I am a missionary, i am messed up at the moment.
Sent you an email!!
Hello , Im being strongly attacked by the enemy on multiple fronts for many years now.
Would elaborate on which areas specifically by email.
Request your guidance and prayers.
sending you an email
Yes received. Thank you. Will revert back.
Hello, please I am heavily attacked by demonic spirits, I need your help urgently.
Hello and God bless you!! Sending you an email, ok. Thank you!!
Good Afternoon,
Do you still perform personal or mass deliverances on zoom?
Thank you.
Yes, sent you a message!!
This is an awesome website!!!!! God bless!!!!!
Thank you sister and God bless you!!
Hi Peter,
I have been under a lot of spiritual attack over the last 3 month. I was hoping for prayer. I live on the Gold Coast. Hope its possible to get some prayer.
Sure, come to zoom on friday night. 7:30pm. See ya there.
Dear Peter,
Please help me and my children, I have been face a lot of spiritual attack for a very long time. I have been inflicted with sickness, burning headaches, things crawling inside my head, body pains, and right now my left leg and hands are getting numb due to these evil attacks. I always have nightmares every single day and I wake up scared. I don’t know what else to do because I pray and cry religiously to God every and even do warfare prayers at midnight with my kids, but is getting worse for me because I am in pain. Please help me,
My name is Jonathan and i am suffering from demonic oppression this is attacking me physically on the left side of my body causing muscle pain and chest pressure they’re are also voices in my head blaspheming and causing me to subvert my faith. I was a drug addict for years and since left that lifestyle. I don’t know what else to do this is all day every day.
hi there seeking a deliverance minister , have some serious demonic attacks been coming against me in the past 6months but its more a 10year long battle its only recently that i realiswd what was happening , been listening to dereck prince and pastor robert clancy , had some small released but its pretty extreme what im experiencing would really appreciate some one to speak with , this has shaped my life past 10 years and currently struggling to keep fighting it , please email me , thank you.
Ryan, its Tracy again…please, I just don’t understand if you have internet and can find this website….how come you cany come to zoom? Please advise.
Thank you!
Do you have prayers for marriage restoration? Someone advised me on Facebook that you do but I can’t seem to find them. Thanks
Hello, I am reaching out in despirate need of deliverance from ,witchcraft from my children’s father.I really don’t know what door has been opened to him but I only know that there is a really strong hold on me and my life.And every time I try to get help ,no one is willing and able to help me it’s as though people think that I am wicket or something ,I just don’t understand what it is.They don’t even want to pray for me to be delivered even if it was me being wicket,for God to deliver me .its as if they are being blocked from helping me.I been rejected many times by different men and women of God .I thought if someone is truly of God that they would pray for peoples deliverance .And it is as though no one has discernment to see whats really going on.,
Sent you an email.
God bless you!
God bless you and your work. I have an evil husband. He has kicked me out of the house we created together. He has destroyed the house and thrown me and my son out. I need some help for prayers and deliverance. What can I do to get my son back and my husband to realise he is being oppressed.
Hello, we sent you an email.
I’m in dire need of deliverance from the spirit wife. Please help!
Hello, we sent you an email.
I have a neighbor who is demon possessed. Need help and or advice.
Hello, we sent you an email.
Hello Peter,
My name is Dainews and i think that possessed by some strange spirit and maybe opened spiritual gateway by speaking in other tongues. I see how crows ruled by spirits trying to communicate with that spirit which dwells in me. It may sound like a schizophrenic, but it’s reality for me. I think that by getting holy spirit we opening portal for other spirits to come, how to close that portal? When i near to Jesus then that spirit sleeps, when i make distance with Jesus, then that spirit awakes. I don’t want to be spiritual slave for Jesus forever. I just want to be free, like i was before any spiritual practise. It’s possible to close all spiritual portals, and be normal person? I know Jesus is the only way, but it would be nice to be normal again without “holy spirit”. Maybe it’s wrong place for this question.
Hello, we sent you an email.
Hello ,
I said the prayer for soul fragmentation . Im feeling like Im going through another identity crisis.. please message me.
God bless
Hello, we sent you an email.
Hi Peter,
I was lead to your website looking for deliverance services. I am a new born again believer dealing with spiritual attacks and other matters that I would like help with.
Thank you for your time
Hello and God-bless you. Peter has a zoom meeting Friday night starting at 7:30 p.m. Gold Coast time Australia. Please try to come and join us for prayer and any questions you have for him.
Thank you
I’m a recent born again christian and would like help for personal spiritual warfare and deliverance.
Thank you
Hello and God-bless you. Peter has a zoom meeting Friday night starting at 7:30 p.m. Gold Coast time Australia. Please try to come and join us for prayer and any questions you have for him.
Thank you
Hi Peter.
I am a born again Christian in need of your ministry to he delivered from an evil spirit that defiles my soul sexually in the spirit. This has been going on for years and I’m desperate for freedom.
How can I connect with you?
Hello and God-bless you. Peter has a zoom meeting Friday night starting at 7:30 p.m. Gold Coast time Australia. Please try to come and join us for prayer and any questions you have for him.
Thank you
Good morning Peter
I’m in need of deliverance please together with my children. I seem not to have lasting relationships all men lose interest fast, my finances are not adding up, I dream about men sexually, i procrastinate a lot, my the children and their education. I’m going through brain fog and sleep a lot.
Please may you deliver me from these symptoms,
Hello and God-bless you. Peter has a zoom meeting Friday night starting at 7:30 p.m. Gold Coast time Australia. Please try to come and join us for prayer and any questions you have for him.
Thank you
Hi, do you do deliverance in Perth?
I’ve been born again for about a year and a half. Ever since, I have been demonically oppressed with horrific dreams and visions (when I can actually get sleep) and being physically attacked (like being bitten all over by horseflies) every night.
There are many other manifestations but these are the most troubling.
Thanks and blessings in Jesus’ name
Ben, we left you an email.
Thank you!
I’m a senior who needs a miracle for new teeth!!!!!
Touch and agree in Jesus name!
Hello Peter, I send lot of messages regarding a request for deliverance. I am not getting any response from you please respond to me. I going through very tough times. Please Please please help me. I ask you in Jesus mighty name.
hi Peter. My friend Trudy is in need of you to contact her either by email or by phone
trudy.adele67@mail .com or mobile 0439796862. She has been trying to contact you about her Autistic son that is self harming and she believe that he has a Demon attached to him and he is trying to kill himself . Please contact Trudy ASAP
Please email me
Hi do you still do Friday night deliverance meetings on zoom?
Hi peter. My name is gareth and i live in southampton in england, just over an hour outside london. I heard of you and peter whiffin on omegaman. Wot an amazing revelation of deliverance is at the table. Read the book too. Great ammunition for attacking the enemy . I use it daily in warfare prayer. Ive been trying to get a hard copy of peter whiffins names amplification bible but cant seem to find one. I tried getting on to a few of your zoom meetings on the fellowship calendar but couldnt get onto them . Dont know if the times have changed or i got them wrong. Would be great to have some fellowship, teaching and deliverance with you guys as no christians over here really believe in demons and deliverance. All glory to our lord and saviour jesus christ.
Hello and God-bless you. Peter has a zoom meeting Friday night starting at 7:30 p.m. Gold Coast time Australia. Please try to come and join us for prayer and any questions you have for him.
Thank you!
Hi Peter,
I need help with my son who has schizophrenia he is troubled with too many voices.
I believe Jesus heals, just unsure how to respond to this one.
I would be happy to join some teaching and or healing zooms etc
Hello and God-bless you. Peter has a zoom meeting Friday night starting at 7:30 p.m. Gold Coast time Australia. Please try to come and join us for prayer and any questions you have for him.
Thank you!